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  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    The dress of Turban and Suit was idea of Maharajah of Patiala. Maharajah of Patiala was also in senior position at Indian Olympic Association. He said that Indian contingent should look like wedding Baraati and he paid for it.

    I do not see any defiance here. Defiance sgainst Germans? Why?  against England? How? Infact loud cheers were there for Indians.
    If you read that book, how much they were welcomed everywhere in Germany.
    Both Jesse Ownes and Indian Hockey team were very popular in Germany. Somehow media corrupted the story that they were acting like enemies of Germany.
    Masood was with Dhyanchand on that trip. we should rather trust such sources then those 60-70 years afterwards.

  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus29740 Points
    Munnas Biggest Secrets finally reviled :- After travelling deep inside Western Ghats I met Baba Hassan ji. who is a biggest bhakt of lord Robin and can talk to lord robin with his brain power only. I asked babaji how @munna219777 can know everything? babaji told me munna is only 2nd person on earth after Srinivasa Ramanujan to tap in and use Akashic records so reveals his source of unlimited knowledge.
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points

    This is another interesting auto-biography of Dhyan Chand. It was published in 1952.

    Very interesting read. It describes experience in 1928, 1932 and 1936 Olympics. In one interesting incident, in one of the Welcome Parties, Dhyan Chand saw Herman Goerring and tried to get his Autograph but failed to get it but Joseph Goebbels gave his Autograph to Indian players. In their defense, it was 1936 and Great War was still 3 years in future. Indian Team must be having no clue that these top Nazi Officials were going to be infamous in History. Infact if you look at whole tour, India was welcomed very well and they were visiting Public Receptions across Germany with Mayors, Nazi Factories and Top Germans of that regime. Indian Hockey Team also attended Receptions and Parties by British Embassy in Berlin as well as in London after Olympics was finished.  There was not an iota of so called "Protest" or "Snub" either to Germany or to England. Both Jesse Owens and Indian Hockey Team were star attractions of Berlin Olympics. When Indian Hockey Team returned to India with Gold medal, it took months to come back after Europe Tour and only 2 people were there at Bombay to welcome them. That was the snub which they got in their own country after treated as heroes in Germany.

    One more misconception people have is that Hitler refused to give medals to India Hockey team and Jesse Owens. Again made up story. Can you imagine any Head of the State coming and giving Medals ? I dont think Ronald Reagan was giving medals to any athlete in 1984 Olympics or Brezhnev to anyone in 1980 Moscow Olympics. Same way I do not think Hitler was giving medals to  the athletes.

    I agree with your point of lack of recognition which Dhyan Chand got when he was alive. There are many reasons for that. First of all, it was a team of British Ruled India. People who were supporting the team such as British Indian Officials left in 1947 when India became independent. Maharajas and Parsi Businessman power was gone too who were the muscle behind Indian Sports. The Indian team of 1928, 1932 and 1936 Olympics if you look, almost 1/3rd are Anglo Indians who immigrated to Australia/England in 1947 and another 1/3rd went to Pakistan. Very few left and were forgotten as India was born and everything about colonial past was forgotten. We again built a formidable team in 1948 Olympics with likes of Balbir Singh, K D Singh Babu became new heroes. People can listen to Radio Commentary now and past was just forgotten.

    Jesse Owens remeber that Hitler was waving hands at him. Owens was so popular that he had to be taken out of Stadium in tunnel to prevent him being mobbed by autograph hunters. He attended parties in top hotel with the elite in Germany. But while going back to his own country, he was put in 3rd Class in ship by Americans due to Racism against African Americans in USA. President FDR did not even send him telegram to congratulate him for his success. Infact USA was itself finding it difficult to praise a Black Person. Finally when he went to meet the President, even the elevator of the building was the one for Blacks and Colored while his White Accomplices had to go in separate elevator.

    Now some people try to make up stories as if they were challenging Germany in 1936 but in reality, they were rather insulted in their own country while 1936 Olympics made them famous.

  • samsam 16533 Points

    David Luiz arriving in time for Chelsea medical  :D 
  • kartik91kartik91 Delhi1139 Points
    Sad that we fail to honour ourselves by giving Bharat Ratna to someone as good as Dhyanchand( with 3 gold medals in Olympics) , all while giving khel ratnas to some who have not yet won an Olympic medal.
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30223 Points

    Watch: In a world of diving and cheating, Barcelona's U-14 team will make you believe in football

    The players won hearts when they consoled distraught Japanese opponents after beating them.

    Watch In a world of diving and cheating Barcelonas U-14 team will make you believe in football
    Image credit:  YouTube
    Sep 01, 2016 · 09:00 pm  Updated Sep 01, 2016 · 10:46 pm

    What do you see when you watch football nowadays? Career-ending tackles? Elbows to the face? Dives to extract a penalty? Referees being bullied?

    Perhaps, you are just not watching the right kind of football.

    Which, in this case, happens to be played by boys under 14.

    The Barcelona Under-14 team defeated Japanese side Omiya Ardija Junior in the final of the World Challenge Cup in Japan 1-0.

    But it was what followed that will bring a lump to your throat. After the match, Barcelona's young players, barely 12 or 13 years, went up to their weeping Japanese opponents and started consoling them individually (video below).

    They put their arms around their shoulders, offering hugs and word of encouragement – setting an example to the rest of the world about the true meaning of sport.

    Barcelona youngsters console opposition after defeating them in the final. Great seeing this type of sportsmanship.

  • usaindiausaindia 1671 Points
    looks like  mother teresa will be given sainthood today
    but twitter is trending fraud teresa also
    any one from bengal knows more details
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10481 Points
    Godse Saint

    Not new to me people whom i considered hero when i was kid are claimed to be fraud

    I agree with Nehru to an extent but others  :/

    20 years later they will claim Abdul Kalam is fraud
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30223 Points
    Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to all IFN members...for a stater of the celebration of this day, people can share the various delicacies/sweets that are popular during the Puja in their particular states ;)
  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points
    Believing in miracles and Voodoos and magic and shit is certainly fraud. Too much fraudulent stuff going on in the name of religion and 'respecting fuc***g fellings'
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