I League Player Transfers Season 2012-13



  • Rudra,<br>Not that Subrata is a saint with his choice of expletives, for e.g. when he gets mad, he starts off his sentence with expletives like mother fucker and the like.  That does not necessarily mean you readily give in to these player whinings and sack your coach, who has not only played 17 years for the club, has given the club numerous trophies first as a player and then coach.  It wouldn't be too out of context to mention that all of MB's I league (then NFL) wins have come with Subrata at the helm<br>
  • usaindiausaindia 1671 Points
    <br><br>I can give you  examples of  exact situations which happened, this might make matters a bit clearer. <br><br><br>One of the young guns in the team who has let the team down many a time last season ( and Subrata did not start him this season in most games given the way he let MB down last season) with his over acrobatic gallery shows was yelled at by Subrata during practice for his over the top acrobatics. Every one understands there's a certain amount of agility required to play a sport but is it not fair that the young players don't over do it. So Subrata told him that he better wear a sari and walk the ramp than do such over the top acrobatics during practice. All the fans sitting in the gallery watching practice were laughing their ass off. <br><br>That player showed up at the door of the club secretary with his parents in tow asking for immediate release. <br><br>Almost all fans in Calcutta are  aware of these incidents to this level of detail, no wonder in a recent online poll Subrata received 390 plus votes in favor and 14 against.<br><br>I will write another example in a subsequent post.<br><br>[/quote]

    <br><div><br></div><div>is it robin singh</div>
  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points
    Robin Singh is in East Bengal @usaindia
  • usaindiausaindia 1671 Points
    somesh wrote:
    Robin Singh is in East Bengal @usaindia

    <br><div>thanks for correction</div>
  • any more rumours?<br>
  • Sounds like Subrata is the exact copy of Brian Clough (the greatest manager England never had)<br><br>I remember Cloughs famous first sentence to his players when he was manager of Derby County...<br><br>"Your a bloody disgrace! Whoever taught you to play football! My mum can do better than you and score more goals than you in 5 minutes" (This was during practice and Clough just screamed)<br><br>Then another one with his Leeds United (When Leeds were the best in the world)...<br><br>"You guys may be champions with your trophies and medals and your flashy cars and your women but you all know nothing about playing football. Being fair. Being the players that people would actually want to look up to. The players that your grandkids will want to remember. The players that will be loved, all because all you have achieved is achieved through bloody cheating. Now stop bolloking around and get back onto the pitch."<br>
  • arsenalfan wrote:
    Sounds like Subrata is the exact copy of Brian Clough (the greatest manager England never had)<br><br>I remember Cloughs famous first sentence to his players when he was manager of Derby County...<br><br>"Your a bloody disgrace! Whoever taught you to play football! My mum can do better than you and score more goals than you in 5 minutes" (This was during practice and Clough just screamed)<br><br>Then another one with his Leeds United (When Leeds were the best in the world)...<br><br>"You guys may be champions with your trophies and medals and your flashy cars and your women but you all know nothing about playing football. Being fair. Being the players that people would actually want to look up to. The players that your grandkids will want to remember. The players that will be loved, all because all you have achieved is achieved through bloody cheating. Now stop bolloking around and get back onto the pitch."<br>

    <br><br>Thanks, nice to see that someone got the drift.  Subrata doesn't mind technical deficiencies (no wonder  he has a supporter in someone like Ishfaq which is technically very deficient but tries with heart and soul whatever limited abilities he has)  but he wants more passion from the players, wants them to empathize with the fans ( I know lots of fans who travel 3-4 hours by train from remote districts to YBK to watch MB play) wants them to be more loyal to the jersey and just not play for money. He often says in his interviews that Indian players are not technically that good that they can achieve miracles on the field, they need to play their heart out to compensate for their technical deficiencies. <br><br>Subrata has more fans in Calcutta than most current players because of the passion and involvement he brings for the team, he is constantly working for the team, he is trying hard, he is coming up with masterstrokes ( this season, he cleverly used Zeleny's big body in the derbies and MB prevailed in all but one which was a tie, he brought down Sunil to central midfield attacking role in the Dempo game which MB played brilliant football and would have easily won had not Kinshuk, Surkumar slipped at crucial junctures ) This commitment was lacking in players like Anwar Ali, chetri (except the last few games) surkumar and even kinshuk (how could he handle the ball thrice in the league giving away penalties to the opponent and now ask for a price of 1.2 crore from his current season price of 15 lakhs. Subrata can't stand all this crap in the name of professionalism, no wonder players think he is a thorn in their way of making big money easy. <br><br>There's a lot of drama to unfold, just wait and watch, already there is a lot of discussion on facebook about taking  the streets if he is removed from a technical role at MB ( a lot of fans like me are ok with a compromise formula where his direct involvement with players practice sessions is restricted but he has the final say in team strategy, tactics etc including deciding substitutions in games. He has the best match reading in the country, how can we neglect that just because he has a foul mouth )<br><br><span data-jsid="text" class="commentBody"><a href="http://kijamedia.com/2012/03/blackburn-rovers-protest-venkys/"; target="_blank" rel="nofollow nofollow"><span>http://kijamedia.com/2012/</span><wbr><span class="word_break"></span><span>03/</span><wbr><span class="word_break"></span><span>blackburn-rovers-protest-ve</span><wbr><span class="word_break"></span>nkys/</a></span><span><div class="mvm uiStreamAttachments clearfix" data-ft="{"type":10,"tn":"H"}"><div class="UIImageBlock clearfix"><a class="external uiAttachmentMedia UIImageBlock_Image UIImageBlock_MED_Image" href="http://kijamedia.com/2012/03/blackburn-rovers-protest-venkys/"; rel="nofollow" target="_blank" data-ft="{"type":41,"tn":"E"}" tabindex="-1"><img class="img" src="https://s-external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDtEZbks9Gru1qk&amp;w=90&amp;h=90&amp;url=http://kijamedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/IMG_00941.jpg&quot; alt=""></a><div class="UIImageBlock_Content UIImageBlock_MED_Content fsm fwn fcg"><div class="uiAttachmentTitle" data-ft="{"type":11,"tn":"C"}"><strong><br></strong></div></div></div></div></span><br>
  • There's demands in facebook groups that players who have revolted and are refusing to play under Subrata be made public since this is a public club with huge fan base. <br><br>I am pretty sure that won't happen but if it does, then those players will have a hard time playing in Calcutta in the future such is the rage against these players. Gourmangi's name is already out, he should consider himself lucky that he won't have to play much in Calcutta next season.<br>
  • dip_anjdip_anj 137 Points
    projenator wrote:
    There's demands in facebook groups that players who have revolted and are refusing to play under Subrata be made public since this is a public club with huge fan base. <br><br>I am pretty sure that won't happen but if it does, then those players will have a hard time playing in Calcutta in the future such is the rage against these players. Gourmangi's name is already out, he should consider himself lucky that he won't have to play much in Calcutta next season.<br>

    Don't be so excited because Subrata might stay for next season.<br>
  • AdminAdmin 240 Points
    Mohammedan Sporting Club in talks with Theodre Sunday of Chirag United Kerala
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