But its obviously talking about the MLS and I don't see how overspending on guys they probably don't have the means to buy (as a club) in the first place is outsmarting us. MLS's slow and steady approach in a country where soccer is still looked at as a niche (we're the "fifth" sport at best in the US and fourth in Canada) is bad compared to what they have in China which is what exactly?
@MAFC : what are your views on Goan clubs pull out of i-league? Most probably you will get relegated by end of this year ( proposed roadmap ) still you are spending money to get into i-league, what are your goals?
Lot of uncertainity is there. who knows whetehr there will be any relegation or not next year? I-league will continue for many more years or merger will take place. Lets see that Minerva get into I-League first.
With Salgaocar/Dempo/SCG gone and inclusion of 2 new clubs ccfc and Minerva aiff roadmap implementation has become quite easy. They have to figure out how to include big 3 clubs and problem solved. Because out of remaining 7 i-league no one is interested in top tier apart from Mumbai FC , but I don't think they will create any big issue. So looks like aiff roadmap is going to be implemented in coming year,may be after u17 world cup as per original plan
And how the others are going about it:
Most probably you will get relegated by end of this year ( proposed roadmap ) still you are spending money to get into i-league, what are your goals?
Then suddenly one day they will invite clubs for bidding process for ISL
They have to figure out how to include big 3 clubs and problem solved. Because out of remaining 7 i-league no one is interested in top tier apart from Mumbai FC , but I don't think they will create any big issue.
So looks like aiff roadmap is going to be implemented in coming year,may be after u17 world cup as per original plan