Dempo Club News



  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points

    Well again @gaffertape I agree completely with what you said. A lot of what Bengali 10:30 pm Khela shows chant is bullcrap. This I am saying from my personal experience. I used to be addict when I was in Kolkata. Although, in the process, they do give out some authentic news.

    The day Ricketts blurted shit on twitter, I went on some web search myself to look at his past credentials. And all he knows to do is talk crap, whine, complain about the place where he plays. He did that for Moldova, Canada, Hungary, Ireland and every damn place, even going on to accuse his fellow team mates in top Maldovan league of brazen match fixing, alcoholism etc. While this all may be true, much of what he says against Armando is his perception of what is happening.

    Now if the coach tells me that ''look you are good, but you need to adapt to the system that's in place, the system that everyone is comfortable with''. 

    If it means that I have to tone down my game, so be it. It is a team game after all. So, for a professional minded player, this would have been just another day in the office. While the whiner ricketts goes and makes a scene in the public.

    And I do not need to ascertain that Armando is certainly the best we got in India, even better than some of the white skins minting money in India. He has bloody beaten Qatar in their den with the current crop of players! This, mind you, in spite of he not having the free will in Indian team or the stability that he enjoys with Dempo.

    Also I would request @dominic @ashlesh @joyptan and everyone else that if you feel something that is being said against a team, a coach or anything, please counter that with proper arguments. Saying that '"You are plain jealous of Goa/Bengal. F*** off!" is not a proper argument and propagates regional jingoism. Also it does not help in raising the level of discussions. Cheers
  • DomnicDomnic 2325 Points

    @namewtheld. Your comment well noted. But you see people keep poking at us about crowd attendences. We know that the attendence in Goa is poor. You dont have to keep remimding us about it. Nobody disputes that Bengal has good attendence.

  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points

    Domnic> @namewtheld. Your comment well noted. But you see people keep poking at us about crowd attendences. We know that the attendence in Goa is poor. You dont have to keep remimding us about it. Nobody disputes that Bengal has good attendence.

    Knowing that,stil "xyz" ifn members arrgue about 5k,10k,20k attendence in goa.

  • DomnicDomnic 2325 Points

    I dont want to start it again. :-*

  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points

    I dont want to start it again. :-*


  • Somesh dont talk. You just hate him because he is English. And yes that is accusing you.

    None of you know Ricketts.

  • Btw I would not relate Armando to Alex Ferguson. Anyone with knowledge of the history of football would call him Don Revie.

  • gaffertapegaffertape 13038 Points

    @ashlesh, good news for your club, a possible loan signing coming up today or tomorrow, that will make waves in I-League and set the ball rolling for more to follow.....
    stay tuned.....

  • > gaffertape said:
    > @ashlesh, good news for your club, a possible loan signing coming up today or tomorrow, that will make waves in I-League and set the ball rolling for more to follow.....
    > stay tuned.....

    Wont be the first loan signing. East Bengal and Pune are known for these. However if you mean that this loan could be for a big player (Rohan Ricketts?) then yes this could make as you kids call "the waves" in I-League.
  • > Ashlesh said:
    > > gaffertape said:
    > > @ashlesh, good news for your club, a possible loan signing coming up today or tomorrow, that will make waves in I-League and set the ball rolling for more to follow.....
    > > stay tuned.....

    wat are you talking about ??? :O

    @rohan are you aware about anything regarding this ?? 

    Nope. I am just as confused as you are. Dempo making a loan???? I mean I would understand them loaning a youth player to get I-League experience but how would that create waves around I-League. That is standard and already has been done by clubs like Pune and East Bengal.
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