Dempo Club News



  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points
    edited November 2012


    DEM: Cliffton 20'

    Rohan Rickkets 89'

  • DomnicDomnic 2325 Points

    Ashlesh said:
    Rohan Rickket score :O 


  • sanvedjadhavsanvedjadhav 1096 Points
    edited November 2012

    new tweet by RR

    @marky__g: @RohanRicketts @mygamestatsapp following the gamestatapp now Rohan. How's the standard in India?” < Worrying

        </b><br><br>sounds fair this time<br>
  • RR tweets

    Enjoyed scoring a header in today's game against Churchill Boys. 2-0 win
    for us. Still a lot of petty nonsense happening behind the scenes.

  • I have news from very reliable sources that Rohan Ricketts has a very poor opinion of Armando Colaco's coaching methods. Armando's methods are very outdated and dictatorial in Rohan's opinion.

  • > projenator said:
    > I have news from very reliable sources that Rohan Ricketts has a very poor opinion of Armando Colaco's coaching methods. Armando's methods are very outdated and dictatorial in Rohan's opinion.

    Well...thats nothing new! this news has been doing the rounds for the past two weeks!
  • projenatorprojenator 26 Points
    edited November 2012

    > Soccerlover said:
    > > projenator said:
    > > I have news from very reliable sources that Rohan Ricketts has a very poor opinion of Armando Colaco's coaching methods. Armando's methods are very outdated and dictatorial in Rohan's opinion.


    Well...thats nothing new! this news has been doing the rounds for the past two weeks!

    It has reached a situation where one has to leave and no points for guessing that who leaves, given the name of the organization is Dempo.
  • > Ashlesh said:
    > on that he not even a first xi player so even if he leave it does not matter much for a club like dempo 

    The man scored for you guys today and was easily one of the top 3 players for Dempo last I-League game (that being off the bench). I doubt you can get much better. Just stick to the 34-year old. As the season progresses it will be interesting to see a decline.
  • > mahesf said:
    > this guy rohan rickkets have lost it first he said armando colaco method is like arsen wenger now he say outdated true these player who cant play only speak 

    his past record suggest lot about him so many club surely he must have been kicked by lot of clubs like he will be now from dempo

    ONCE AGAIN! FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME! Have you followed his career. No. Dont make such assertions. Yes after 2009 it was hard and in 2010 he moved around clubs but in 2011 he started getting back up. He stayed a full half with a German 4th tier side and then spent a WHOLE season in Ireland (Ireland dont use the old 2011-12 style, its on year). 2012 has been tough but he already has been on trial with reputable clubs like Peterbourgh. Problem being the contract.

    If he leaves, watch. He will show you all.
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