Daily dose of east bengal



  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points

    Reading this "we have recently initiated the development of a Sports Academy in an internationally styled Sports Hub in Rajarhat - Kolkata's New Town. Our planning also includes construction of a World Class Home Stadium." it seems like they have plans to shift to a new stadium in Rajarhat,New Town. but don't know how much of this can actualy be implemented in just 7 or 8 years.

  • Arsenalkid700Arsenalkid700 7 Points
    edited December 2012

    > Joyptan said:
    > Reading this "we have recently initiated the development of a Sports Academy in an internationally styled Sports Hub in Rajarhat - Kolkata's New Town. Our planning also includes construction of a World Class Home Stadium." it seems like they have plans to shift to a new stadium in Rajarhat,New Town. but don't know how much of this can actualy be implemented in just 7 or 8 years.

    From what I just saw of Rajarhat, New Town it seems like an area that in 7-8 years time will be a very modernized area. Lots of room for a stadium is available their as well.

    If East Bengal can just put in enough effort to create a stadium like this:

    That would be amazing for Indian football. World Cup 2026 anyone?
  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points

    If officials can actualy do what they have planed even in 10 years that whould be the new begining of indian football unless some other club does it earlyer.

  • > Joyptan said:
    > If officials can actualy do what they have planed even in 10 years that whould be the new begining of indian football unless some other club does it earlyer.

    Well most of the stuff East Bengal are doing now a club like Pune FC has already done. Perhaps the East Bengal officials have seen what Pune FC have done and have finally realized that if they do the same with their much, much bigger fan base that the benefits for them are much greater.

    Hopefully East Bengal keep to their word and if such delays happen (common around the world) they have a good excuse.
  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points

    Is it true that Morgan dont want to extend contract with east bengal ?? if true
     Armando Colaco sign him for next season 

    Yes it is true. He will be next chelsea interim maneger. :P

  • > Joyptan said:
    > > Ashlesh
    > > Is it true that Morgan dont want to extend contract with east bengal ?? if true
     Armando Colaco sign him for next season 

    > Yes it is true. He will be next chelsea interim maneger. :P

    Really, I heard Sir Alex Ferguson wanted Trevor Morgan as his replacement for when he retires next season.
  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points

    Morgan had an oporation on four of his fingers. He had something called "Triger Finger" which golf playing people get.

    east bengal's Hony. Asstt. Gen. Secretary Dr. Santi Ranjan Dasgupta
    Eminent Orthopaedic Surgeon & Sports Medicine Expert did the oporation.

  • silicon3silicon3 351 Points

    > Ashlesh said:
    > Is it true that Morgan dont want to extend contract with east bengal ?? if true
     Armando Colaco sign him for next season 

    How true is this about Morgan wanting out..is he feeling the club pressure that its 3 years without winning the League?...i feel EB should still persist with him..

  • rudrarudra 2958 Points

    AIFF is extremely concerned and surprised by the statements made by Mr. Kalyan Mazumder, the General Secretary of East Bengal Club in the Media, which suggested that there has been some 'under table' agreement between Mohun Bagan and AIFF. AIFF has taken serious note of the above uncalled for and malicious defamatory statements, which are in clear breach of the AIFF Disciplinary Code as well as the AIFF Code of Ethics and accordingly necessary actions is being initiated against Mr. Mazumder.

    IFN facebook page
  • shankarshankar 2600 Points

    > rudra said:
    > AIFF is extremely concerned and surprised by the statements made by Mr. Kalyan Mazumder, the General Secretary of East Bengal Club in the Media, which suggested that there has been some 'under table' agreement between Mohun Bagan and AIFF. AIFF has taken serious note of the above uncalled for and malicious defamatory statements, which are in clear breach of the AIFF Disciplinary Code as well as the AIFF Code of Ethics and accordingly necessary actions is being initiated against Mr. Mazumder.

    IFN facebook page

    expect 2.1 cr fine for this words :P

    Thank god that AIFF cant punish me for thinking the way EB Sec was thinking
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