India in Rio Olympics 2016



  • munna219777munna219777 28514 Points
    edited April 2016
    @Bad ;Any chances of getting Qualification in Weightlifting??

    Two Hockey teams have increased the number of competitors but overall so far the participation is poor. Badminton is not there so far. Tennis, Judo, Rowing? Only one in Boxing is a total sham.

    @reddevil87 ; Where do you see more chances of medal? Last time we got 6 medals.
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    @munna219777 even that is in doubt unless the newly formed amateur boxing federation "Boxing Federation of India" can manage to set its house in order by 14th May. The election is on 8th May under the watchful eyes of AIBA, IOA and GOI.

    As far as I know we for the deadline isn't over for Badminton but don't expect much in men's section after their disastrous performance in the last three months.

    For tennis, we haven't had a single person who has qualified for Rio yet.. but I'm eager to hear about our Gymnasts (Dipa Karmakar and co)
  • BadBad 5141 Points
    Guys,for Racquet Sports like Lawn Tennis,Badminton the qualification is not an event based.A predefined date is given in advance with certain specifications. Like to explain you guys I am giving a hypothetical example.Eg)It says, On 1st May 2016 the top 50 players in official rankings qualify for Rio Olympics.Thus,no one yet has qualified for in Tennis and Badminton yet.Only,on that date all those who follow under those specifications qualify.

    The Deadline date for Badminton is 5th May 2016.

    For Lawn Tennis it is 6th June 2016.
  • reddevil87reddevil87 1858 Points
    About chances of medals (mostly bronze), in my opinion, we only have Badminton, Wrestling, Shooting and Hockey. Any other than these will be a surprise for us. 
  • munna219777munna219777 28514 Points
    Last time we got 6 medals. There is no way we can get more then 6. I am hoping for one in Wrestling, 2 in Shooting and one more surprise medal. At max 4 medals.
    We are just making up numbers in Athletics and Womens Hockey with no chance there.
  • usaindiausaindia 1671 Points
    we will be lucky if we get 3 or 4 
  • reddevil87reddevil87 1858 Points
    Yes no chance in athletics and womens hockey. But we have outside chance in Badminton and Men's hockey this time. And frankly speaking 6 medals last time was a big surprise too. 
  • munna219777munna219777 28514 Points
    Our Sports Minister is busy in Elections in Assam. Most of our Sports Associations are fighting within themselves for Association Elections or IPL style league. Central Government funding is mightily reduced. Yoy hardly see International events being organised in India. Whatever you see like SAF games or U-17 World Cup were sanctioned by previous Manmohn singh Government. We neither see many Sporting Events nor do we see training schedules abroad. I remeber our boxers used to be sent to Cuba. Now what happened? Wrestlers used to train in USA. Now they are saving themselves from injuries.
  • BadBad 5141 Points
    munna219777,Asian Weightlifting Championships is starting from 25th April.Irrespective of the number of qualifications,Medal is not a possibility.Only help will be to cross the magical 100 athlete mark.

  • karenesudhakar2050karenesudhakar2050 Hyderabad 1504 Points
    Depika karimakar become first gymanist to qualify for olympics
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