India in Rio Olympics 2016



  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    What a farce at the JLN Stadium in new delhi... no electricity during such a high scale event resulting records wont be counted :'( :s
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    edited April 2016
    Weird. How much time it takes to repair electricity connection? There are Backup supplies if one transformer fails. Why did they carry on with the competition as non Electronic timings are not valid. Preparations of the tournament organisers are done in advance. They did not check the facilities one day before? They reached stadium on the day of the meet and founf no electricity? JLN Stadium has so many offices-all of them had no electricity? Offices of SAI and some offices of Sports Ministry are there. I cant believe all of them were without electricity?
  • shankarshankar 2600 Points
    i read in news that one player had 10.09 in 100m track which is under olympic qualifying limit of 10.16... feeling sad for that player who missed a chance to qualify for the poor preparation of organisers
  • BadBad 5146 Points
    I really doubt any of our sprinters can clock 10.09.I know it was written in the newspapers but I really doubt it would have been 10.09 had it been done on electrically timed.Our National record officially is 10.30 so 10.09 is too big an improvement.There,is another Athletics event on 28 th April so let's see this Sprinter's time but I'll be amazed if we have produced a sprinter of such class Because the Finalists of 100m at Olympics Finals have this kind of time and we struggle at Asian level w.r.t Sprint Events.This guy might break the National Record of 10.30 but 10.09 would be a pleasant surprise for me but I highly doubt it.Hope he surprises me though.
  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Also,if he manages to secure the Olympics qualification (10.16 sec) then I must tell you guys,it will be an amazing Achievement because a time 10.1 sec means you will be making Finals of all the major Events like Olympics ,World Championships etc let alone Asian, Commonwealth Games.Trust me this Achievement of him will be equivalent to Dipa's because craze for 100 m is the most in any global event so having a representative at Final or Minimum Semi-final stage there would be quite amazing.
  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Guys,in Rowing Doubles team fails to qualify for Rio.So,only one quota earned.
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    @Bad ; What is the scenario now for more Qualification in Men's Boxing? Any more tournaments are there?
  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Munna,boxing tournament will take place from 7-19th June in Azerbaijan. I am not sure but I think it's an open Tournament which means free for all.
  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Guys,some promising news coming in.Federation Cup Athletics started today.No Qualification was there,but two extreme noteworthy performances:-

    1)100m (Men's)-Amiya Mallick(Gave a Time of 10.26sec)Our New national record was made today by him.He was the same guy who gave a time of 10.09sec(power failure event) where I said he can break the National Record but will find it difficult to get a time of 10.16sec(Olympic Qualification).
    There are still some events to go and now I hope he qualifies for the Olympics (10.16)

    2)100m (Women's)-Duttee Chand(Gave a time of 11.33 sec(was extremely unlucky as Olympics Qualification Time was 11.32 sec.She missed the Qualification by 0.01 sec.Consolation came in the form of her breaking the 16 yr old National Record.
    I genuinely feel that she will make the cut for the Olympics and if she makes it I think(not sure) she'll be the First ever Indian(both in men and women in 100m) to have qualified for the Olympics, what an Achievement that would be.She is just 20 yrs and already is seen as an Athlete to be sponsored for 2020 Olympics.I am keeping my fingers crossed and hope this girl loves up to her Billing.Hope she qualifies for Rio Olympics first.
  • BadBad 5146 Points
    I'll share other noteworthy performances and Rio Qualifications from this event as soon as I come to know about them.
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