India in Rio Olympics 2016



  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Thank you Munna,let me go through it and I'll get back to you on this.
  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Guys,some Epic news coming in,India  has earned two more quota places in Women's Wrestling Freestyle 

    1)Vinesh Phogat -48 kg
    2)Sakshi Malik-58kg

    They have made the finals which was the requirement as top 2 per category were getting the quota.

    Awesome Achievement by the girls.
    Our best ever Wrestling Representation at any Olympics 7 already.Men's Freestyle event is tomorrow so 1 more quota can be expected.
    Final is left,i shall share their progression after the Final is over.As of now,i can tell that Vinesh has rolled past her opponents as if they never existed.

    Rest,i'll share after the Final.
    munna219777BrainFallINDIAkartik91reddevil87Sanjeev Biswas
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    Vinesh got Gold Medal while sakshi Malik got Silver. So we have two more wrestlers for Rio 2016.
  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Vinesh Results:

    Round 1- 10:0
    Round 2- 11:0
    Round 3- 11:1
    Round 4- 12:2
    Round 5(Final)- 6:0

    Final was against 2014,World Championship Silver Medalist so not outclassing her is terrific.With this performance feel she has a outside chance of a medal.



    Her Semi final(10:10)was a match against 2010  World Championship Gold Medalist so beating her was really amazing.
  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Guys,Wrestling Men's Freestyle Competition ended today and no quota was earned today by us.This competition concludes the Wrestling Qualification tournaments for Rio.Our total tally is 6(Best Ever) despite categories being reduced.Another thing is that for first time India will have representation in all three events of Wrestling.So Decent work by the Wrestlers.
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    @Bad ;What was the criteria for Qualification? Gold and Silver medal or Bronze was also considered. I thought Mausam Khatri and Hitender qualified for Bronze  medal bout.
    One interesting thing - Sushil Kuma will not be considered for Rio Olympics as Narsingh Yadav will be sent. It was Yadav who won the qualification slot. Suspect fitness of Sushil Kumar is said to be the reason. As I said before, it has been years since Sushil kumar won any medal in proper international tournament. Only past laurels do not command success. They are not even having a bout between these two as defeat to sushil kumar will dent his prestige. other reason is that in case they have a bout, they will then start court cases in every sport to have qualification bout whenever any player wins qualification.

  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Guys,now coming to the Athletics which I wanted to share.The event which took place on 6th May was a disappointment as many Top Indian Athletes didn't participate citing Fatigue and Tiredness as this was the 3rd event in 10 days.

    Now,for further training and Competition the Federation has sent both already qualified Athletes (Mainly Race Walkers) and Athletes who the Federation feels have to a chance to qualify for Rio, overseas for Training and Competing in Events.These Events serve as Olympic Qualification events.These Athletes are expected to stay and train overseas till 11th July(the date where last Olympic Qualification Event takes place).They might come to India for the event which is also an Olympic Qualification Event.
    Otherwise,they'll be overseas.

    Now Guys,plz note:-
    18 Athletes have already qualified and Athletes who are in and around the Qualification Standards of their events and who have cleared their Qualification Standards in past but due to poor form or Injury layoff are hovering around their Standards are around 20-25(which is pleasantly Amazing).

    The improvement of our 100,200m both men and women and also 400m men and women is amazing.The most important feature here is that it is not one Athlete who is doing well but 2-3 Athletes who are coming up in every category which provides +ve competition and helps every athlete to be at top of his game at all time.
    Another amazing feature is that our Juniors are creating National records so age of talent is becoming lower and lower.
    The times which our high profile Athletes used to get,now our Juniors are getting (not in every event) but yes generally, so they just need proper guidance.

    When we talk of Relays,only our 4*400m Women's team is considered good enough to qualify,but guys this time around plz take note.I feel our 4*400men and 4*100m Women's  team have genuine chance to qualify as well)no one is considering them but I am +vely confident)of both these teams making the cut.

    As it is said that in India road to Prime Ministers house goes from Uttam Pradesh and Bihar(Max seats) s ok Similarly Olympics road goes from (Athletics,Swimming and Shooting).

    What I am saying is that our short distance runners(100m,200m and 400m) athletes have genuine chance of making the Olympics but if God Forbidden they don't make the cut(Highly unlikely as Some of them will definitely make the cut) but even if they don't make it this time then also,t hey have shown enough improvement for an Athletics (IPL style league) to be started.I have full confidence that we can win our first genuine Athletics Medal at2020 Olympics if that league starts within an year with the talent I am seeing(Dutee,Anas,Anilda just to name a few many more).We can win win a medal this time also but that would be a lucky medal.So,Athletics league will help in nurturing the talent which ATLEAST I can see coming through.

  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Munna(bro),the criteria was top 2 finish in Wrestling.Mausam Khatri was the closest. He lost his semi-finals 8-6.Had he won that match he would have secured the quota.Hitender won bronze through Repêchage so was never in contention.

    Now,coming to the Sushil Kumar Saga,Bro let me assure you that the bout will take place until Sushil himself say he is not willing to fight.These people(Newspaper) ain't know anything about sport.Let me share couple of situations and couple of Real life experiences with you:-

    1)If Narsingh gets injured before Olympics (hope he doesn't but to explain you,then who will represent India?No one because Narsingh had won it so as he is injured no one?)
    Wrong.Then Sushil or any other replacement will represent.Point I am e explaining is Country wins quota and not a Player.

    2)Now,if he is fully fit,just think of another situation,there are multiple Qualification events.(considering the boxing Qualification info which shared with me).According to it Nicola has already qualified thru regional tournament but is participating in another Qualification tournament( World Championships) now think he makes the cut here also.ow,this means a country can take part in multiple events.Now apply this logic in Indian wins quota thru regional tournament(after this tournament he gets injured and later ) and then Narsingh gets quota thru World Championship.Now both are fully fit and have earned the whom will you send?

    3)The next plea,that all the Athletes will file court cases is Tell me how are Athletes for Usa,Jamaica etc selected for Track Events(Athletics). say 100m men event.See,Qualification Olympics Mark is 10:16 seconds.Now in these countries (Usa,Jamaica etc )there are 8-10 athletes who have time of less than 10:16 sec but as maximum 3 participants can represent a country so how do these countries select 3 out of 8-10 Athletes.They give a date,a month or so before the Olympics (so athletes are at the peak of there form) and at that event whosoever finish in top 3 get selected to represent their Olympics even though their previous times were inferior to those who didn't get selected.Now,if you analyse carefully,isn't this the same process acc. to which Sushil and Narsingh bout is being considered?Process is same,just the event is different.Wrestlers and Athletes are actually doing the same thing(just type of sport there are in makes it look differently).

    4)In India,the competition has not been close upto now be it any sport as a result these playoffs or one on one matches were not thought off.But now competition is increasing in every sport.
    See eg) Qualification standard is 10:00 sec for an event and maximum 3 Athletes can represent their country.Now,in our country there are 5 Athletes who have ran below 10 sec.Say:-
    Also ,top 3 athletes(9.90,9.91,9.92) have run these times 2 yrs ago and now are running at over 10 sec whereas 9.94and 9.95 have run these time a day ago(Inform) Technicallg all are within the required standard,so will you send?The answer to this is you give them a date for a race event and top 3 at that event will be selected.

    5)Indian Shooting association exchanges the quota earned by Sanjeev Rajput for another event as Sanjeev earned that quota almost 2 yrs ago but Sanjeev is below par in their eyes currently,so a promising shooter in another event has been given his quota who is doing g well currently has been given his quota.Yes other event,not the same qualified for 50m Rifle,his quota is given to a double trap shooter.The quota shift has happened but events specified by me may not be exact,this is to explain you.

    So,in my opinion Match between Sushil and Narsingh will definitely take place unless Sushil himself Withdraws.
  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Munna,the words which I hv used is for Newspaper Reporters and not meant for you,i have given the situations w.r.t to the article which you have shared.These people don't know anything abt sports but still discuss it without logic.I agree,i can also be wrong but atleast I share with logic and not otherwise.
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    @bad Well, that is quite an assumption you have made on Mihir and other sports journalists.
    The examples you provided of different countres is well and good but India goes about in its own way for everything. Moreover, most federations are headed by politicians, who are more interested in retaining their post, are likely to go about in a way that will help them secure their next term. These officials don't always have the best interest of the sport in their mind.
    1-3. The article speaks of the current situation in wrestling pulling reference of the past wherein the athlete went to court against the federation for allotting it to a different athlete. Most federations already suffer from a cash crunch and they don't need an additional burden with a court case under Indian Judiciary.
    4. completely agree
    5. Such playoffs haven't been done as you pointed out rightly in #4 due to lack of rivals but that is the main debate in the article as to whether the official will go the easy route(secure votes) or take the difficult one(playoffs)
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