The second innings of Stephen Constantine



  • There are no "camps" for NT in England, Wales, Germany etc. Players report individually at the NT base, one day after last league game. They get 3 days maximum to prep for the games during international window including travelling.

    @Deepack - where did i compare our NT to those countries?
  • deepakcdeepakc Mumbai 3416 Points
    Why are u again comparing how top 20 sides NT prepare with us???

    We need minimum 20 days boot camp for every match to just be competitive against anyone, tough luck for #IMG if it affects their revenue.
  • indianFootballFanindianFootballFan India4496 Points
    @TheRealAG Countries likr England, Germany, Wales have players playing in the best leagues of the world and dont require much time to get settled in NAtional teams. Our players on the other hand play in I-League/ISL. Also, most of the players in NT are inexperienced and need more time to gel together a a unit. A longer Preparation Camp helps the coach to get the team ready before International MAtches.
  • rudrarudra 2958 Points
    So what happens if I league is going on? You take the players out for 20 days? Given the frequency of matches, they will hardly be able to play for clubs. This camp culture is not sustainable in long run. You can only have a long camp at the start and explain the players what you want. SC got that. For every match this is not possible, irrespective of whether you have I league or isl.
  • deepakcdeepakc Mumbai 3416 Points
    It is possible @rudra

    1st our players need to be on central contract (top 30 players) like bcci

    2nd if we had 1 streamlined domestic calendar..taking a week/ 10 day break wld hv been possible before the 7 mandated match days

    with the current mess of a calendar its almost impossible, ur right.Nita will kick PP 's but if he gets high on something and develops some patriotism and suggests it to her and #IMG
  • Nonsense. Are you saying that India deserves a separate set of rules for their national team because we are so poor? I don't see other national teams moaning about needing a month to prepare for a game of football.

    And continuing with this theme of nonsense - You have spend large periods of time on these pages taking sly digs and tedious points castigating the ISL and how it is such an exception which needs to be eliminated. And now, you want the national team to be that very same exception to other national teams in the world, and hence contradicting your own theme?

    Top 20 NT or bottom 20 NT in the FIFA ranking does not matter one bit. There is a rule and a calendar that is set in place, and India, like every other nation has to adhere to this calendar. And this will give India, South Africa, Jamaica or England, all 2-3 days to prepare for national team games.

    I am not comparing other NT to ours, but merely making the point that there are rules that ever FA needs to follow and that the Indian one is no different, and that this cannot be a viable excuse and will never be one.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    OMG... this is a new level of stupidity.
  • deepakcdeepakc Mumbai 3416 Points
    Every FA has to allow the NT a MINIMUM of 2-3 days to prepare and #AIFF is following the bare min. Nothing and nothing stops the jokers from doing more

    For eg. North Korea played world cup a few years ago, despite not having the benevolent #IMG's help, please read about their NT preparation.
    & Rohan 2 can play the game of taking personal potshots
  • @deepakc - What is your point here? The fact of the matter is, AIFF are not "technically" doing anything wrong here as they have arranged for the players to be available to the NT setup after the first round of matches. This is similar to how things are done all over the world, and you will not be allowed any special treatment by FIFA because you are India.

    Are you saying that an additional 10 more days should be allowed for the NT to prepare? That would depend on the league in question and here again you make no sense. Centrally held contracts are a abd idea and will make things very difficult IMO. In India, contracts are held centrally for some players (Jhingan, Arindam, Subrata, Chhetri, Thoi Wadoo etc) and contracts are held by clubs for some players (Kotal, Arnab, Dika, Euegenson etc). Players are then loaned out to the other league during the off-season. In Europe this sort of central nonsense will not be tolerated because it will be a open to legal challenges as players are workers. As a result, contracts are held by their employers (clubs) and thus makes the movement between clubs and between leagues easy through the termination of their contract (through an acceptable transfer fee). A centrally held contract will make issues when players need to be released from their contract to join another club as the transfer fee will be determined by 3rd parties or committees and this will irk the club for which the player plays as they may feel the committee may have undervalued or overvalued the players, just like the ridiculous prices set on the ISL Auction for the likes of Anas, Karanjit etc.

    Additionally, even if there was a single Indian league (I-League and ISL merger), what makes you think the clubs for which the players play for, will happily release their players for an additional 10 days other than the requirement stipulated by FIFA? FIFA overrules local league setups and the clubs will most likely seek legal advice in this event as it will be the clubs who will pay the players and they won't give a fuck what happens in the NT setup (assuming contracts are NOT centrally held).

  • deepakcdeepakc Mumbai 3416 Points
    Lets get 1 basic fact on record here.#ISL is not a FIFA recognized league as NONE of the clubs follow ANY of the club licensing and ownership criteria.

    SO NO PERMISSION FROM FIFA is required to stop it for a week during matches only permission needed is from Nita
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