I-League 2015-16 | General Discussions



  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    If FIFA apparently had words about Royal Wahingdoh then you can probably bet that there have been talks between the AIFF and FIFA/AFC about what is going on with the top leagues.
  • indianFootballFanindianFootballFan India4496 Points
    I have a feeling that Bhaichung Bhutia is not the most loved player here, despite his good performance for Indian Team. Can anyone shed some light on him? Is he the good cop or the bad one?
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Great, excellent footballer but horrible administrator would basically be it.
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    MUFC Monash University Fencing Club (Australia)
    MUFC Minnesota Uniform Fire Code (est. 2003)
    MUFC Manitowoc Ultimate Frisbee Concern (Manitowoc, WI)
    MUFC Mean Urinary Free Cortisol
    MUFC Mobile Units for Family Communication (Red Cross)

    any one of these? for us the global exposure starts and stops at nigeria.
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    he is an excellent dancer though.. jhalak dhikla ja?
  • rudrarudra 2958 Points
    He is not only a horrible administrator, he is overtly ambitious and wants to wield his influence everywhere
  • AKBAKB Kolkata3039 Points
    You are absolutely right mate. Just to popularize the 3 m league, AIFF discontinued Federation Cup, are in process of making I-League (which I strongly believe is "the League2 in India) a joke, the Durand Cup is just about limping with some 8 teams, IFA Shield is made another joke, Rovers Cup long discontinued etc etc. If AIFF really.... I repeat really wanted to improve football standard in the country then the Durand Cup, IFA Shield, Rovers Cup and other tournaments of yore could have been properly organized to ensure a steady supply of decent players and Federation Cup SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN STOPPED. AIFF could have tried sincerely to rope in some region based sponsorS to promote those tournaments and gradually increase the I-League teams to 14 or 16. But no no no.... they decided to organize a 3 m league with double legged SF and a Final and curtailed the time for the Domestic Tournaments. I don't know how they have managed AFC/FIFA, because these parent bodies are just looking away but still providing money to AIFF. We appoint Coaches from abroad.... one of them advises to close down the Federation Cup. After the Iran match we may appoint another one who would say close down the I-League. It seems the coaches are saying such things because AIFF has told them to say so. If AIFF says close down Federation Cup.... things would have had different impact but a Foreign Coach says so....... it is like from the God's mouth. Really fed up with all these.  AIFF and it's partners in crime are just taking the football loving public of India to a ride to inflate their bank balances. AIFF spends huge money for some useless and pointless meetings every now and then but they could not sustain their own team "Arrows". If this is not shameful then SHAME does not exist in AIFF dictionary.
    gaffertapeArsenalFan700deepakcgoalkeepararchakmunna219777Domnickartik91namewtheldreddevil87and 2 others.
  • DomnicDomnic 2325 Points
    edited August 2015
    @DX.I dont know why my earlier comment was deleted. That was meant for you. Anyways, dont behave like a dudd by talking about Nigerians and all. We have such a great new league for us to follow. With teams having decent foreigners. Why not follow these ISL clubs instead of madly following Euro football.
  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9305 Points
    As per ABP, the two new franchises teams interested in entering I-League is one from Chennai (note not Hyderabad) and another from Gujarat (wtf).
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Dominic, Am sure your confused. I was being sarcastic on our scouting range which starts and stops at Nigeria. Yikes do i anywhere come off as a Euro fanatic in any of my posts. NOPE.
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