is nehru stadium and gmc stadium having the facilities it seems to be possessing from this picture??if yes then these are gonna be perfect world class stadiums if done some little modifications
Yes they are. Nehru is my favorite as it has 100% bucket seats. GMC is a great stadium but the problem is the track. As the Kozhikozide stadium needs a super renovation. When I saw pictures it looked like someone took a shit all over the stadium. The Yashwant is good to but again, the track kills it.
A bit of information...Nehru Stadium Chennai was build in record time only 8 months thanks to patronage of Amma after demolishing the old corporation stadium. Nehru Cup was held in that stadium. Gery Pesec was Indian coach then. I can remember India holding Cameroon in a 2-2 draw from 0-2. Anyway, the Stadium is an example if powerful persons of our country come forword, infrastructure development wont be a problem.
Beautiful piece of info that one Sabir. In fact have you guys ever thought why all the governmental projects are delayed in India? One theory is that it is done deliberately to inflate cost and fill coffers
GMC Stadium is one of the best stadiums in India,its location and maintenance is top notch.Yeah only things it lacks is bucket seats other than in VIP section \m/
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Thanks mate. Will use that next time.
Anyway, the Stadium is an example if powerful persons of our country come forword, infrastructure development wont be a problem.
Just shows how easy managing sports in India can be if done right and if the right people are contacted.