What Dipen had done was unpardonable...having said that, as many people have noted, there have been fans of both clubs who often resort to even more filthy language and spread vendetta against rival clubs in social media...As @Deb_Ban had said, the historical circumstances of Bengal have made this Bangal/ghoti divide inevitable, in fact so much so that it has been ingrained in every Bengali's psyche...even if they belong to Gen X, Y or Z...but i at least have always found that competitiveness and the desire to excel over others does not always sit well with abuses, muck-slinging and spreading hate campaigns...As Sunil Gavaskar had said in a different context, players like Sachin Tendulkar and Virendra Sehwag are no less aggressive and combative than many of their counterparts, but they do not have to sledge like some other players to give vent to their feistiness...but then i am only an armchair critic who can only speak for myself
Expected scenes on 7th