Even though, I hardly reply to IFN comments.... But I read most of the comments.....And observed that you will always back-out if you feel if something is leading to fight.... And after reading your comment, My respect towards you keep on increasing Sorry for grammar mistakes...
@ Friends...
Better we stick to the discussion & use only Mohun Bagan Vs East Bengal thread for fights or banters or Satires...
As munna219777 said, we shouldn't use foul language on someone even if they are hard on us...
In this case, M.B & E.B are two age-old , best & most followed clubs... And here we are talking about 1 or 2 fans who aimed at M.B/E.B and we keep on attacking entire fan group and club based on 1 or 2 persons foul language...
Admins Comments from Soccerlover shouldn't be encouraged and he should be banned for more than 1 week...
Regarding EastBengalPride comments... Yes he crossed limits and used foul language... But at-times it happens when we cannot control our emotions in aggressive discussion and/or fights ...and he did admit that he had broken forum rules... and rightly banned..
Regarding AKB comments... I mostly read his comments and we cannot make him a scapegoat by providing old links... As I said earlier, everyone is equally responsible here for this fight... and munna219777 is rightly pointed out and we need to back out at some point of time..
If AKB comments are not acceptable, we could have raised concern at that time itself..
Note: I'm not supporting E.B or M.B here... Also I'm not Bengali and so far haven't visited West Bengal as well ... For me, West Bengal is part of India... E.B & M.B are I-league clubs which supports Indian football..
The ultras are a group of fans of the football clubs or the national team who provides loud and vociferous support in matches. They sing, they chant, they dance and turn maniacs. They set off flares and fireworks and unfurl massive banners or flags in support of their team.
As long as the team is playing, they do not stop and will continue making themselves heard. 90 minutes of football means #90minutes of non-stop activity from the stands. To be an Ultra, you need to breathe, live and eat football. Ultras is a culture or a movement, and definitely not a fan-club.
Ultras groups create an atmosphere which supports their team and intimidates their opponents. Moreover, they usually exist in large numbers, and often fill entire sections of the stadium by themselves.
Ultras groups are usually based around a core group of leaders, also known as Capo, and they organize smaller groups according to their location. They sell their own merchandise to raise money to perform their displays or choreographies (tifo). Looking at their huge numbers, the way they are always organized makes it quite magical, and entertaining to watch.
• never stop singing or chanting during a match, no matter what the result
• do not sit down during a match
• attend as many games as possible (home and away), regardless of cost or distance
• loyalty to the stand in which the group is located
Supporters' groups usually have a representative who liaises with the club owners on a regular basis, mostly regarding tickets, seat allocations and storage facilities. Some clubs provide the groups cheaper tickets, storage rooms for flags and banners, and early access to the stadium before matches in order to prepare the displays.
During matches of significant importance, many supporters' groups choreograph a large overhead display that is displayed just in the section of the stadium where the group is located or the entire stadium. Sometimes small sheets of plastic or paper are held aloft to form a pattern or to colour the stadium. Such a display is called a #mosaic or card display.
Other materials used in certain types of displays include balloons, streamers, huge banners, two pole flags, flares, smoke bombs, and sometimes giant figurines. Popular culture icons, logos and catchphrases are often used on banners or flags. The displays, which can be expensive to make, often take months to prepare. All of the overhead displays, two-poles, banners, etc. are called tifo.
Fund is raised amongst the supporters to design and make the tifos. Supporters groups tend to be highly vocal at matches, with each group having several football chants. The melodies are mostly taken from local or popular songs.
#CHANTS : Football songs or slogans used during matches.
#CORTEO : March to stadium together before the match.
#FLAGS : Huge stylish flags in support of the team.
#CURVA : A stand in stadium where all the ultras will stand and cheer.
#PYRO : Smoke bombs or flares used in support for the team.
#ULTRASonTOUR : Travel together with ultras for the away matches.
#TIFO : This is type of banners used in displays for performing choreography.
#POZNAN : Type of celebration in which fans huddle and bounce up and down.
#CURVACrew : Volunteers who coordinate the movement of ultras.
@Nagendra: I did not reply to your comments because I thought we would move on from this...as an EB fan and an ardent sports-lover who have always thought to keep the forum clean, i support all your views...they are quite in agreement with what any sensible member would have said...the one objection i have is that you refer to a certain member being made a scapegoat by providing old links..these old links were provided were provided for a different reason...to counter his point that he had not used unparliamentary language against a certain club any time in the past...objections were raised about his comments in the past as well...but let us not get started on that...if you think you are right, so be it...also in a different thread, you had rightly said that the admin needs to be strict...I hope you understand the meaning of smileys...of course that is what I had meant, although expressed in in a lighter vein...if anything, the admins should be stricter
@Nagendra I purposely not responded or liked/disliked (simply because I was mentioned ) though I was quite liking your comment & appreciated it. Here in IFN.... surely all of us would love to see Indian Football move forward. Club Rivalry is a different issue, it is there everywhere & much has been said about it & anything more again would invite angry response from some learned members. Let us carry on like we had been for the past few years without dragging our relatives in to the arguments. Hope I'm not mistaken & no further controversy unearths. Finally please don't distance yourself from the Mohun Bagan v EB issues.......we do need a neutral Umpire also.
I'm just looking for an acknowledgement... nothing.... even dislike from thebeautifulgame would have solved my intention ...... But thebeautifulgame ... please don't dislike my comment.. I will not be happy with dislike
From the time, I have joined the forum, in June 2015, I have not used the 'dislike' option even once...even though I was offended by some of the comments at times...I do not want to discourage anyone from putting forth their views, albeit in a proper language and in a civilized manner...so rest assured @Nagendra
bang on.... + 1 to+1000 ..... and kudos to you
@ munna219777
Even though, I hardly reply to IFN comments.... But I read most of the comments.....And observed that you will always back-out if you feel if something is leading to fight.... And after reading your comment, My respect towards you keep on increasing
@ Friends...
Better we stick to the discussion & use only Mohun Bagan Vs East Bengal thread for fights or banters or Satires...
As munna219777 said, we shouldn't use foul language on someone even if they are hard on us...
In this case, M.B & E.B are two age-old , best & most followed clubs... And here we are talking about 1 or 2 fans who aimed at M.B/E.B and we keep on attacking entire fan group and club based on 1 or 2 persons foul language...
Comments from Soccerlover shouldn't be encouraged and he should be banned for more than 1 week...
Regarding EastBengalPride comments... Yes he crossed limits and used foul language... But at-times it happens when we cannot control our emotions in aggressive discussion and/or fights ...and he did admit that he had broken forum rules... and rightly banned..
Regarding AKB comments... I mostly read his comments and we cannot make him a scapegoat by providing old links... As I said earlier, everyone is equally responsible here for this fight... and munna219777 is rightly pointed out and we need to back out at some point of time..
If AKB comments are not acceptable, we could have raised concern at that time itself..
Note: I'm not supporting E.B or M.B here... Also I'm not Bengali and so far haven't visited West Bengal as well
For me, West Bengal is part of India... E.B & M.B are I-league clubs which supports Indian football..
Hope News Time Assam will show it. Teams from Nepal and B'desh are there. So, another international trophy win chance for EB
Also, is there not going to be another Assam State Premier League?
ইস্ট বেঙ্গল আল্ট্রাস - East Bengal Ultras
The ultras are a group of fans of the football clubs or the national team who provides loud and vociferous support in matches. They sing, they chant, they dance and turn maniacs. They set off flares and fireworks and unfurl massive banners or flags in support of their team.
As long as the team is playing, they do not stop and will continue making themselves heard. 90 minutes of football means #90minutes of non-stop activity from the stands. To be an Ultra, you need to breathe, live and eat football. Ultras is a culture or a movement, and definitely not a fan-club.
Ultras groups create an atmosphere which supports their team and intimidates their opponents. Moreover, they usually exist in large numbers, and often fill entire sections of the stadium by themselves.
Ultras groups are usually based around a core group of leaders, also known as Capo, and they organize smaller groups according to their location. They sell their own merchandise to raise money to perform their displays or choreographies (tifo). Looking at their huge numbers, the way they are always organized makes it quite magical, and entertaining to watch.
The four core points of the #UltrasMentality are:
• never stop singing or chanting during a match, no matter what the result
• do not sit down during a match
• attend as many games as possible (home and away), regardless of cost or distance
• loyalty to the stand in which the group is located
Supporters' groups usually have a representative who liaises with the club owners on a regular basis, mostly regarding tickets, seat allocations and storage facilities. Some clubs provide the groups cheaper tickets, storage rooms for flags and banners, and early access to the stadium before matches in order to prepare the displays.
During matches of significant importance, many supporters' groups choreograph a large overhead display that is displayed just in the section of the stadium where the group is located or the entire stadium. Sometimes small sheets of plastic or paper are held aloft to form a pattern or to colour the stadium. Such a display is called a #mosaic or card display.
Other materials used in certain types of displays include balloons, streamers, huge banners, two pole flags, flares, smoke bombs, and sometimes giant figurines. Popular culture icons, logos and catchphrases are often used on banners or flags. The displays, which can be expensive to make, often take months to prepare. All of the overhead displays, two-poles, banners, etc. are called tifo.
Fund is raised amongst the supporters to design and make the tifos. Supporters groups tend to be highly vocal at matches, with each group having several football chants. The melodies are mostly taken from local or popular songs.
#CHANTS : Football songs or slogans used during matches.
#CORTEO : March to stadium together before the match.
#FLAGS : Huge stylish flags in support of the team.
#CURVA : A stand in stadium where all the ultras will stand and cheer.
#PYRO : Smoke bombs or flares used in support for the team.
#ULTRASonTOUR : Travel together with ultras for the away matches.
#TIFO : This is type of banners used in displays for performing choreography.
#POZNAN : Type of celebration in which fans huddle and bounce up and down.
#CURVACrew : Volunteers who coordinate the movement of ultras.
#CAPO : Leader who coordinate the Ultras.
#TambourDrums : Used by the ultras to create an atmosphere.
#MEGAPHONE : Used by the leader to lead in chants.
Watch the video, share the post and let your friends know, regarding the first and the only Ultras group in India!
none of the M.B / E.B fans replied to my earlier comment....
I'm not expecting like from E.B/M.B fans....but I could have felt good if at-least someone replied/LOL/WTF to my comment....
I'm just looking for an acknowledgement.... Now I felt like, am wasting my time by involving in unnecessary discussions...
This will be my last comment on M.B vs E.B....
makes sense from your perspective... Thanks for the reply....
To be frank, when I referred M.B/E.B fans....I haven't expected reply from you
Didn't feel like calling 1 or 2 M.B/E.B fan names specifically.. Hope you know who I'm referring to here
So I did mention M.B/E.B fans...
Sorry I couldn't keep my promise and replied to your comment... ( I mean on M.B vs E.B discussion..)
Here in IFN.... surely all of us would love to see Indian Football move forward.
Club Rivalry is a different issue, it is there everywhere & much has been said about it & anything more again would invite angry response from some learned members.
Let us carry on like we had been for the past few years without dragging our relatives in to the arguments. Hope I'm not mistaken & no further controversy unearths.
Finally please don't distance yourself from the Mohun Bagan v EB issues.......we do need a neutral Umpire also.
guys like you and thebeautifulgame proving me wrong...
I'm just looking for an acknowledgement... nothing.... even dislike from thebeautifulgame would have solved my intention