But its scary if the CEO says so...can't /shouldn't rule it out. I like other fans here would like to believe that he doesn't know....ileague generating some interest can't be good news for the well wishers/owners of indian football aka IMG.
I-League interest is nowhere near the same as ISL so they wouldn't be scared... they would actually be encouraged as that shows there is a market for football. So if a Punjabi I-League team does well, IMG-Reliance will like it, not look at it as bad news, and probably work to put an ISL team in Punjab.
And yet we see that all ileague news is blocked during the circus, 2 months to go and AiFf hasn't even named the ileague teams....get a reality check dude. Why pretend?
My vote is the first option. Dhar does look lost, confused and irrelevant. Evidently he is not fed enough information.